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They couldn't let the vote be certified.
Lots of Congressmen were on the fence.
Irregularities they had to hide.
This called for the services of Judas Pence.

Get thee hence,
Judas Mike Pence.

The regular procedure they had to halt.
They feared the exposure of the ones at fault.
It wasn't enough that two bombs were planted,
And news reporting was carefully slanted.
To stop the look into irregularity,
They had to create a big emergency.

Fedsurrection: It was the order of the day,
With agents inside that they have to hide,
They saw it as the only way.
Fedsurrection: And suspension of the rules.
The Pelosi plan hit the fan,
With Judas Pence a willing tool.

Oh, it looks more each day like we've been had.
Those rotting in jail weren't that bad.
It's been a huge miscarriage of justice.
What it was was a "Fedsurrection."
Fedsurrection, all the way.
Fedsurrection, all the way.

Fedsurrection: It was the order of the day,
With agents inside that they have to hide,
They saw it as the only way.
Fedsurrection: And suspension of the rules.
The Pelosi plan hit the fan,
With Judas Pence a willing tool.

What it was was a "Fedsurrection."
Fedsurrection, all the way.
Fedsurrection, all the way.
Fedsurrection, all the way.

David Martin

See BuelahMan's video.

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